Results for 'Jonás Ezequiel Bergonzi Martínez'

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  1.  17
    Lectura en voz alta y comentada para enseñar (y disfrutar) a Borges.José María Gil & Jonás Ezequiel Bergonzi Martínez - 2023 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 26:143-162.
    En la primera parte de este trabajo se busca explicar por qué tanto la figura personal de Jorge Luis Borges como su propia obra han generado alguna clase de recelo o “miedo”. Las prevenciones de orden político hacia su persona, por un lado, y las complejas relaciones entre la dificultad y disfrute que surgen en el tratamiento sus textos, por el otro, son dos dimensiones interconectadas que participan en la configuración de una representación cultural sobre Borges en su propio país, (...)
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  2. The Lineage of Argentinian Literature.Ezequiel Martinez Estrada & Hans Haal - 1963 - Diogenes 11 (43):79-97.
    “But in the history of cross-breeding, the union effected outside marriage was of infinitely greater importance. The tales of the chroniclers and missionaries often paint a dark picture of the relations between conqueror and Indian woman—rape, kidnapping, sale and exchange of women, a system of concubinage and harems etc.” (Angel Rosenblatt, La Población indigena de América)“There is racial conflict in Latin America and racial harmony which can be seen only by those who have eyes. The governments and the people themselves (...)
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  3. “The phenomenon of life” by Hans Jonas.Ezequiel A. Di Paolo - 2005 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 36 (3).
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    El diálogo metafórico de "El principio de responsabilidad" con el gnosticismo.Javier Martínez Villarroya - 2023 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 59.
    En este texto estudiamos en qué medida La religión gnóstica, obra de juventud de Hans Jonas, determinó su obra cumbre, El principio de responsabilidad. Por un lado, Jonas habló del existencialismo como un nuevo gnosticismo, pues en ambos movimientos se habla de estar arrojado, de la angustia de vivir, etc. Su propuesta ética es, de hecho, una lucha contra las antiguas éticas verticales, y contra la visión “acósmica”. Sin embargo, algunas de las ideas gnósticas le sirvieron a su vez de (...)
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  5. Robinson and Self-Conscious Emotions: Appreciation Beyond (Fellow) Feeling.Irene Martínez Marín - 2019 - Debates in Aesthetics 14 (1):74-94.
    Jenefer Robinson believes that feelings can play an important role in the critical evaluation of artworks. In this paper, I want to put some pressure on two important notions in her theory: emotional understanding and affective empathy. I will do this by focusing on the nature of self-conscious emotions. My strategy will be, firstly, to demonstrate the difficulty that Robinson’s two step theory of emotions has in accommodating higher cognitive emotional responses to art. Secondly, I will discuss how the tight (...)
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    Un puente entre filosofía académica y ensayismo libre. A propósito de Eugenio Pucciarelli, lector de Ezequiel Martínez Estrada.Gerardo Oviedo - 2010 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 15 (48):25-42.
    La literatura secundaria sobre el clásico mayor del ensayo argentino del siglo XX, Ezequiel Martínez Estrada, es sin duda extensa y caudalosa. No obstante ello, ha sido poco tratada una de las temáticas fundamentales presentes en el pensamiento de Martínez Estrada: su idea de la historia. Si no fuer..
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    The Priestley duality for wajsberg algebras.N. G. Martínez - 1990 - Studia Logica 49 (1):31 - 46.
    The Priestley duality for Wajsberg algebras is developed. The Wajsberg space is a De Morgan space endowed with a family of functions that are obtained in rather natural way.As a first application of this duality, a theorem about unicity of the structure is given.
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    Fundamentation Epistemológica del Enfoque Centrado en la Persona.Miguel Martínez Miguélez - 2006 - Polis 15.
    La primera parte de este artículo ofrece un panorama de la Nueva Ciencia constituida durante el siglo XX. La segunda parte describe cómo el Enfoque Centrado en la Persona, de Carl Rogers, asume la Nueva Ciencia, bajo el punto de vista teórico, y la lleva a un alto nivel práctico de excelencia, primero en la terapia, luego en la educación y, más tarde, en toda relación interpersonal y social. El artículo finaliza señalando las líneas matrices de la tradición de investigación (...)
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  9. Locked-in syndrome: a challenge for embodied cognitive science.Miriam Kyselo & Ezequiel Di Paolo - 2015 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 14 (3):517-542.
    Embodied approaches in cognitive science hold that the body is crucial for cognition. What this claim amounts to, however, still remains unclear. This paper contributes to its clarification by confronting three ways of understanding embodiment—the sensorimotor approach, extended cognition and enactivism—with Locked-in syndrome. LIS is a case of severe global paralysis in which patients are unable to move and yet largely remain cognitively intact. We propose that LIS poses a challenge to embodied approaches to cognition requiring them to make explicit (...)
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  10.  22
    Sobre la subjetivación. La crítica de Marx a Stirner.Francisco José Martínez Martínez - 2023 - Azafea: Revista de Filosofia 25:77-94.
    El presente escrito explora algunas ideas marxianas sobre la subjetivación a partir de sus críticas a la filosofía hegeliana y posthegeliana, de Feuerbach y Stirner fundamentalmente, y presenta su humanismo materialista y crítico como un nuevo modo de subjetivación que se sitúa en la estela del materialismo sensualista ilustrado, retomado por Feuerbach, que combina con la idea del hombre trabajador, el homo faber, utilizador de instrumentos, de la tradición de la economía política inglesa, al que dotan de la capacidad revolucionaria (...)
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    Reseña. Hacia una crítica de los dispositivos que capturan la acción humana.Cuauhtémoc Nattahí Hernandez Martinez - 2021 - Revista Filosofía Uis 21 (1):287-290.
    Agamben, Giorgio. Karman. Breve tratado sobre la acción, la culpa y el gesto, 1a. Edición, Trad. Mercedes Ruvituso. Adriana Hidalgo, 2018, 176 pp.
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    Norberto Bobbio: la filosofía como concepción del mundo y su método de investigación.Alexander Ávila-Martínez & Milton Fernando Dionicio-Lozano - 2024 - Revista Filosofía Uis 23 (2):181-194.
    El presente artículo pretende analizar el método que utiliza Norberto Bobbio para investigar sus objetos de estudio centrales, a saber: el derecho y la política. Se argumenta que el método de investigación propuesto por Bobbio es el de la reconstrucción. Además, se propone que para su despliegue su acude a la delimitación conceptual y la reconstrucción histórica. Un hallazgo importante del artículo muestra que es la perspectiva de la filosofía como concepción del mundo, elaborada por Bobbio, entre los años 40 (...)
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  13. Ontological Frameworks for Scientific Theories.Jonas R. Becker Arenhart - 2012 - Foundations of Science 17 (4):339-356.
    A close examination of the literature on ontology may strike one with roughly two distinct senses of this word. According to the first of them, which we shall call traditional ontology , ontology is characterized as the a priori study of various “ontological categories”. In a second sense, which may be called naturalized ontology , ontology relies on our best scientific theories and from them it tries to derive the ultimate furniture of the world. From a methodological point of view (...)
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    (1 other version)García Lorca: La música Y las canciones populares españolas.Marco Antonio de la Ossa Martínez - 2014 - Alpha (Osorno) 39:93-121.
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    Quantifiers and the Foundations of Quasi-Set Theory.Jonas R. Becker Arenhart & Décio Krause - 2009 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 13 (3):251-268.
    In this paper we discuss some questions proposed by Prof. Newton da Costa on the foundations of quasi-set theory. His main doubts concern the possibility of a reasonable semantical understanding of the theory, mainly due to the fact that identity and difference do not apply to some entities of the theory’s intended domain of discourse. According to him, the quantifiers employed in the theory, when understood in the usual way, rely on the assumption that identity applies to all entities in (...)
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  16. Language‐Games and Relativism: On Cora Diamond's Reading of Peter Winch.Jonas Ahlskog & Olli Lagerspetz - 2014 - Philosophical Investigations 38 (4):293-315.
    We will look critically at three essays by Cora Diamond concerning Peter Winch's views on the possibility of communication and criticism between language-games. We briefly present our understanding of Winch's approach to philosophy. Then, we argue that Diamond misidentifies Winch's views, taking them to imply language-game relativism or linguistic idealism. When she does raise valid criticisms against language-game relativism, her critical points mainly coincide with things that Winch has already stressed in his own work. That leaves us with the question (...)
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  17.  30
    The evidence approach to paraconsistency versus the paraconsistent approach to evidence.Jonas Rafael Becker Arenhart - 2020 - Synthese 198 (12):11537-11559.
    In this paper, we analyze the epistemic approach to paraconsistency. This approach is advanced as an alternative to dialetheism on what concerns interpreting paraconsistency and contradictions; instead of having to accept that there are true contradictions, it is suggested that we may understand such situations as involving only conflicting evidence, which restricts contradictions to a notion of evidence weaker than truth. In this paper, we first distinguish two conflicting programs entangled in the proposal: interpreting paraconsistency in general through the notion (...)
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  18. Communication and Common Interest.Peter Godfrey-Smith & Manolo Martínez - 2013 - PLOS Computational Biology 9 (11):1–6.
    Explaining the maintenance of communicative behavior in the face of incentives to deceive, conceal information, or exaggerate is an important problem in behavioral biology. When the interests of agents diverge, some form of signal cost is often seen as essential to maintaining honesty. Here, novel computational methods are used to investigate the role of common interest between the sender and receiver of messages in maintaining cost-free informative signaling in a signaling game. Two measures of common interest are defined. These quantify (...)
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    The Social Categories of “Civilization” and “Barbarism” in Arturo Andrés Roig.Andres Carlos Gabriel Perez Javaloyes - 2024 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 27:61-81.
    This article is part of the period of methodological expansion, proposed by the philosopher Arturo Roig (1922-2012), in the 70's and 80's. Although the analysis of categories is rooted in the philosophical field, this expansion is made in the direction of social categories. More specifically to the categories of “civilization” and “barbarism”, both in the field of the history of ideas and in the philosophical history of Latin American liberation. First, we give different definitions and their multiple uses of category (...)
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  20.  66
    Newton da Costa on Hypothetical Models in Logic and on the Modal Status of Logical Laws.Jonas Rafael Becker Arenhart - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (6):1191-1211.
    This paper has three aims: first, to present in a clear way Newton da Costa’s argument against the necessity of logical laws. In order to do so, we need to clearly advance his views on the idea that logic is context-relative, and not known a priori. Doing so, however, requires that we present his methodology for the development of counter-examples to logical laws: the use of hypothetical models in logic. Given that this method has been overlooked in most discussions on (...)
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  21.  32
    New Logics for Quantum Non-individuals?Jonas R. Becker Arenhart - 2018 - Logica Universalis 12 (3-4):375-395.
    According to a very widespread interpretation of the metaphysical nature of quantum entities—the so-called Received View on quantum non-individuality—, quantum entities are non-individuals. Still according to this understanding, non-individuals are entities for which identity is restricted or else does not apply at all. As a consequence, it is said, such approach to quantum mechanics would require that classical logic be revised, given that it is somehow committed with the unrestricted validity of identity. In this paper we examine the arguments to (...)
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  22. Introducción a las Técnicas de Investigación, Buenos Aires, Edit.Ezequiel Ander-Egg - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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    Paul Ricoeur: Crítica de las ideologías en clave hermenéutica.Claudia Fuentes Martínez - 2007 - Alpha (Osorno) 25.
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  24. Filosofía en sentido cosmopolita. Reflexiones sobre el cosmopolitismo en la filosofía con énfasis en la propuesta kantiana.Gustavo Leyva Martínez - 2009 - In Immanuel Kant, Granja Castro, Dulce María, Gustavo Leyva & James Bohman (eds.), Cosmopolitismo: democracia en la era de la globalización. México [D.F.]: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa, División de Ciencias Sociales y Humandidades.
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  25. Avances para una visión complexiva de la sacramentalidad de la Palabra de dios en la XIIª Asamblea Sinodal de los Obispos (2008).Domingo Salado MartÍnez - 2009 - Ciencia Tomista 136 (440):417-468.
    En su prolijo discurso sobre “La Palabra de Dios en la vida y la misión de la Iglesia” la XIIª Asamblea General de los Obispos no abordó de una forma expresa la índole sacramental de la Palabra. Y, sin embargo, en una de sus Conclusiones-Propuestas finales demanda que se abra una reflexión sobre la misma. El presente trabajo se sitúa en esa perspectiva. Tras sopesar los límites de los apuntes sugeridos por el propio Sínodo, un tanto marcados por la indefinición (...)
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  26. Aspectos sociales y culturales del conocimiento y de la ciencia.J. Martinez Velasco - 1990 - Ciudad de Dios 203 (2):409-437.
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    Bachelard, Popper y el compromiso racionalista de la ciencia.Jesús Martínez Velasco - 1992 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 3:75.
  28.  40
    Cultura, Civilización y Ultramodernidad: A propósito de Norbert Elias.Fernando Muñoz Martínez - 2005 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 38:63-85.
    The sociological work of Elias is studied, together with his characteristic outcast position, typical of judaism at the end of the century. From such judaic root stems the metapolitical approach observed in the process of civilization from the platform of a Human Genre already assume as formed and defined by the civilized conscience. The idea of a metapolitical (extraterritorial) platform is determined, and its possible historical and political efficiency. Finally, the work focuses on the limits of the civilization process, contrasting (...)
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  29. (1 other version)David Gouwens, Kierkegaard's Dialectic of the Imagination Reviewed by.Roy Martinez - 1991 - Philosophy in Review 11 (4):248-250.
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    Doing Justice to Solidarity: How NGOs Should Communicate.Juan Luis Martinez - 2002 - Philosophy of Management 2 (3):15-27.
    Much NGO (Non-Governmental Organisation) fund-raising and publicity concern disasters, emergencies and the immediate relief of suffering. Donations and support may follow but they are prompted all too often by a superficially informed compassion or guilt with donors having little understanding of the results of their action. For all their impact, such campaigns can amount to demagogic sentimentalism leading to ‘compassion fatigue’ and lack of sustained support once media attention moves elsewhere. They thus undermine the unique mission of NGOs themselves. This (...)
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  31. El atardecer y el amanecer de Gen 1,5 según Filón de Alejandría.José Luis Moreno Martínez - 1983 - Salmanticensis 30 (2):231-239.
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  32. Elementos franciscanos de la experiencia de Dios.Francisco Martinez Fresneda - 2000 - Verdad y Vida 58 (229):513-540.
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  33. Fuentes escritas para la historia de las mujeres: algunos ejemplos documentados en la Murcia bajomedieval.María Martínez - 2000 - Contrastes 11:81-110.
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  34. John Carew Eccles, un neurocientífico en busca del alma: Una aproximación bibliográfica.Alberto Gutiérrez Martínez - 2005 - Ciudad de Dios 218 (1):145-158.
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  35. Tradiciones universitarias: Búsqueda del sentido.Cristóbal Acevedo Martínez - 1993 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 77:151-170.
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    Information Gain and Approaching True Belief.Jonas Clausen Mork - 2015 - Erkenntnis 80 (1):77-96.
    Recent years have seen a renewed interest in the philosophical study of information. In this paper a two-part analysis of information gain—objective and subjective—in the context of doxastic change is presented and discussed. Objective information gain is analyzed in terms of doxastic movement towards true belief, while subjective information gain is analyzed as an agent’s expectation value of her objective information gain for a given doxastic change. The resulting expression for subjective information gain turns out to be a familiar one (...)
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    The Roycean Road to God.Jonas V. Narbutas - 1976 - Idealistic Studies 6 (3):298-304.
    “Everything finite we can doubt, but not the Infinite,” so wrote Josiah Royce in his first major philosophical work, The Religious Aspect of Philosophy. He has not made many converts to his position. Even those who are sympathetic to his philosophy do, as a rule, display “uncertainty about his conclusions, if not outright rejection,” as Roth, the most recent editor of Royce’s works, observes. Such misgivings are to be traced to the prevailing opinion that Royce’s demonstration of the existence of (...)
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  38. Från tro till tvivel : religionsundantaget i äldre tryckfrihetsdebatt.Jonas Nordin - 2018 - In Bo Lindberg (ed.), Opinionsfrihet och religion. Stockholm: Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien.
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  39. Sacrificialidad y hermenéutica sacramental:(Anotaciones críticas a propósito de un documento eucarístico para el Año Jubilar).Domingo Salado Martinez - 2000 - Ciencia Tomista 127 (3):415-471.
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  40. The process of abstraction in the creation of meanings.Jesús Gerardo Martínez del Castillo - 2015 - International Journal of Language and Linguistics 3 (6-1):11-23.
    Linguistics of Saying is to be analyzed in the speech act conceived as an act of knowing. The speaking, saying and knowing subject, based on contexts and the principles of congruency and trust in the speech of other speakers, will create meanings and interpret the sense of utterances supplying the deficiencies of language by means of the intellective operations mentally executed in the act of speech. In the intellective operations you can see three steps or processes: first the starting point, (...)
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  41. The meaningful intentional purpose of the individual speaker.Jesús Gerardo Martínez del Castillo - 2015 - International Journal of Language and Linguistics 3 (6-1):5-10.
    Linguistics of saying studies language in its birth. Language is the mental activity executed by speaking subjects. Linguistics of saying consists in analyzing speech acts as the result of an act of knowing. Speaking subjects speak because they have something to say. Tthey say because they define themselves before the circumstance they are in. And this is possible because they are able to know. Speaking, then, is speaking, saying and knowing. In this sense there is a progressive determination. Knowing makes (...)
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  42.  52
    Supervisor Role Modeling, Ethics-Related Organizational Policies, and Employee Ethical Intention: The Moderating Impact of Moral Ideology.Pablo Ruiz-Palomino & Ricardo Martinez-Cañas - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 102 (4):653-668.
    The moral ideology of banking and insurance employees in Spain was examined along with supervisor role modeling and ethics-related policies and procedures for their association with ethical behavioral intent. In addition to main effects, we found evidence supporting that the person–situation interactionist perspective in supervisor role modeling had a stronger positive relationship with ethical intention among employees with relativist moral ideology. Also as hypothesized, formal ethical polices and procedures were positively related to ethical intention among those with universal beliefs, but (...)
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    Embedded feature selection for neural networks via learnable drop layer.M. J. JimÉnez-Navarro, M. MartÍnez-Ballesteros, I. S. Brito, F. MartÍnez-Álvarez & G. Asencio-CortÉs - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    Feature selection is a widely studied technique whose goal is to reduce the dimensionality of the problem by removing irrelevant features. It has multiple benefits, such as improved efficacy, efficiency and interpretability of almost any type of machine learning model. Feature selection techniques may be divided into three main categories, depending on the process used to remove the features known as Filter, Wrapper and Embedded. Embedded methods are usually the preferred feature selection method that efficiently obtains a selection of the (...)
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    R. G. Collingwood and the Presence of the Past.Jonas Ahlskog - 2017 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 11 (3):289-305.
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    On having very long arms: how the availability of technological means affects moral cognition.Jonas Nagel & Michael R. Waldmann - 2016 - Thinking and Reasoning 22 (2):184-208.
    ABSTRACTModern technological means allow for meaningful interaction across arbitrary distances, while human morality evolved in environments in which individuals needed to be spatially close in order to interact. We investigate how people integrate knowledge about modern technology with their ancestral moral dispositions to help relieve nearby suffering. Our first study establishes that spatial proximity between an agent's means of helping and the victims increases people's judgement of helping obligations, even if the agent is constantly far personally. We then report and (...)
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    La loi du 4 Mars 2002 et la pratique médicale quotidienne : Apports et incertitudes.Carol Jonas - 2002 - Médecine et Droit 2002 (56):1-5.
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    Individuality, quantum physics, and a metaphysics of non-individuals: the role of the formal.Décio Krause & Jonas R. B. Arenhart - unknown
    The notion of an individual and the related issues on individuation are topics that appear in the philosophical discussion ever since the antiquity. The idea of an individual thing is intuitively clear: an individual is something of a specific kind that is a unity, having its own identity, and being so that it is possible at least in principle to discern it from any other individual, even of similar species. But when we try to leave the intuitive realm and push (...)
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    Fronteras de la Nueva España entre Aztlán (NM) y Cuzcatlán (SV).Rafael Lara-Martínez - 2019 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 24:27-44.
    Nuevo México y Centroamérica se unen por una historia pre-hispánica y colonial común. Mientras las lenguas yuto-nicaraos se expanden de Utah, EE.UU., a Nicaragua, los peregrinos del Cristo de Esquipulas viajan desde El Trifinio (Triángulo Norte de Centroamérica) a Chimayó (NM). Se exploran ambos bordes de un antiguo Virreinato al revelar su enlace por un Camino Real (entre realeza y realidad), cuyas señales olvidadas solo las reconoce una deposición testimonial subjetiva. En primer lugar, una crónica personal desglosa la extrañeza hispana (...)
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  49. The speech act.Jesús Gerardo Martínez Del Castillo - 2014 - European Scientific Journal 10 (11):1-13.
    Language is nothing but human subjects in as much as they speak, say and know. Language is something coming from the inside of the speaking subject manifest in the intentional meaningful purpose of the individual speaker. A language, on the contrary, is something coming from the outside, from the speech community, something offered to the speaking subject from the tradition in the technique of speaking. The speech act is the performance of an intuition by the subject, both individual and social.
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    Unresolved trauma in mothers: intergenerational effects and the role of reorganization.Udita Iyengar, Sohye Kim, Sheila Martinez, Peter Fonagy & Lane Strathearn - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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